Saturday, August 30, 2008

Saving Money vs. Spending

I am a shopping addict.

Corporate America knows exactly how to lure me in to buying their products.

It is so easy to get whatever you want without thinking about the cost.
It is hard not to fall into the trap of "keeping up with the Jones's".

However, I am trying to avoid unnecessary spending. One way that I do this is obviously through bargain shopping. I have cut my grocery bills dramatically. I used to spend $400/month. I have cut that in half at least, usually spending $30-$50/week (depends on the deals...).

I was recently complaining to my husband that I hated our carpet. To me it looked dirty, and I have always wanted wood floors. So, I have been determined, even looking around, that we would be able to install these within the next few months (or when we do our 08 tax returns).

I got to thinking that this is really taking me away from my goals of becoming debt free. So, I thought about why I wanted the new floors so bad. Mainly because the carpets were dirty. Especially with the storms we have been having, our dog Bella has been having more accidents at night. She is too scared to go out when it is thundering.

Here was my solution (although, one day, when we are out of debt, I still want to upgrade our flooring):

I needed to figure out how to get my carpets clean.

  • I did a 30/70 solution of peroxide to water. Then I added 1/2 tsp of baking soda. I sprayed this on the pet stains. Then I soaked it up with a towel. (This was to get rid of the odor)
  • Then I cleaned my carpets with my steam cleaner using a water and vinegar solution.
  • I went over them again with clean, warm water.

They are really clean and the smell is out! Amazing!

I think I may add a couple of bar stools, and refinish my dining room table.

Cost: about $150.
Savings: thousands...
Feeling of being in more control: priceless :)

Do you have any great ideas for easy cleaning without harsh chemical products? I think it is crazy that there are so many products for cleaning. I would really like to get back to the basics in that area.

Here's to feeding the pig and being happy with what you have!

1 comment:

Chad~Nicole said...

I think Ashley Kellogg in our ward makes all her own cleaning stuff.